Gear Lists

Colorado Plateau Shoulder Season Gear List

Updated 11/24/23

This gear list is tailored to Colorado Plateau trips in February, March, April, May, September, October, and November. The base weight here is will vary between about 10 and 12lbs but the higher end includes rainpants, fleece gloves, fleece hat, and other things that won’t be necessary during the warmer parts of these seasons. It’s pretty easy to modify the list to keep it lighter.

I updated this list in November of 2023 because a lot has changed in the last three years. If you scroll over to the right you’ll see my notes. I mention the items that used to be on the list, what they’ve been replaced with, and why I’ve made the switch. Some items have stayed the same. It’s certainly great when things work well enough to stick around for 3 years or more.
