"Still There"


"Still There"


“Still There: Crisis Apparition Echos in the Desert” 9”x12” Gouache and Acrylic on panel. Sides are painted black and it’s ready to hang.

Has anyone ever heard of crisis apparitions? There’s a theory that ghosts could be a sort of stuck psychic event rather than something more physical. For example, if someone was standing out there on Burr Point and a loved one a thousand miles away got in a car accident, they might see the person standing there on the edge of Burr Point suddenly. That psychic connection would be recorded in the sandstone, the time of day, the wind, the sunlight, and everything else, such that others might be able to experience it periodically for a very long time when the conditions are right. I mean, who knows. I’ve still never seen a ghost. But this idea works somehow better for me than other ideas.

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